Do Ants Fart? The Surprising Answer

Have you ever wondered if ants fart? It’s a funny question, but it’s also pretty interesting to think about! In this article, we’ll explore the world of ant toots and poops to find out the truth.

Cartoon ant wondering if ants can fart
Do ants pass gas like humans and other animals?

What Is Farting?

First, let’s talk about what a fart is. When you fart, it means that gas is coming out of your butt. This gas is made when tiny living things called bacteria break down the food in your gut that your body didn’t use.

In humans and lots of other animals, farting is normal and happens all the time.

The gas that comes out when you fart is usually made up of:

  • Nitrogen
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Hydrogen
  • Methane
  • Oxygen

These gases don’t smell on their own, but sometimes the bacteria in your gut can make stinky sulfur gases too.

The Digestive System of Ants

Now, let’s take a look at how ants digest their food. Ants have a simpler digestive system than humans and other big animals. Here are the main parts:

  1. Mouth and throat
  2. Esophagus (the food tube)
  3. Crop (like a storage bag for food)
  4. Midgut (the ant’s stomach)
  5. Hindgut (the ant’s intestines)
  6. Rectum and anus (where the poop comes out)
Diagram showing the parts of an ant's digestive system
The basic anatomy of an ant’s digestive tract

When an ant eats, the food goes down the esophagus and into the crop. The crop can stretch out to hold a lot of food, and the ant can even puke it back up to share with other ants in the colony!

After the crop, the food moves to the midgut where the ant’s body breaks it down into tiny pieces that the ant can use for energy. Any parts of the food that the ant can’t use go into the hindgut and then out the anus as poop.

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One big difference between humans and ants is that ants don’t have the same kind of gut bacteria that make us fart a lot. This is an important clue to help us figure out if ants can fart.

Do Ants Make Fart Gas?

The gas that makes us fart comes from special bacteria in our guts. These bacteria love to eat the parts of our food that our bodies can’t break down, especially big, tough carbohydrates and sugars.

As the bacteria eat this food, they make gas as a waste product. Some of the bacteria that make humans and other animals fart a lot are:

  • Bacteroides
  • Bifidobacterium
  • Clostridium
  • Lactobacillus
  • Escherichia coli

But here’s the thing: ants don’t have these same fart-making bacteria in their guts. Scientists have studied the tiny living things inside the guts of leaf-cutter ants and found that they mostly have bacteria called Enterobacter, Pantoea, Klebsiella, Citrobacter, and Escherichia.

Some of these bacteria can make animals fart, but they don’t seem to make much gas in the ant’s digestive system.

Plus, ants eat different food than humans and other mammals. Ants mostly like to eat sugary things like nectar and honeydew (a sweet liquid that some bugs poop out), and they also chow down on other insects, seeds, and mushrooms.

Ants eating nectar and honeydew, which don't cause much gas
Ants primarily eat sugary foods that are easier to digest than human foods

These foods are easier for an ant to digest than the tough, fibrous foods that give us gas. According to NC State News, some ants use farts to disable their prey, but it’s unclear if this is a chemical secretion or actual flatulence.

So based on the bacteria in their guts and the food that they eat, it looks like ants probably don’t make much fart gas in their digestive system.

Can Ants Fart?

Okay, so now for the big question: can ants fart? We know that ants probably don’t make much fart gas in their guts, but does that mean they can’t toot at all?

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To fart, an animal needs two important things:

  1. Gas in their digestive system
  2. The right butt-parts to push the gas out

We already talked about how ants don’t have much gas in their guts. But what about ant butts? Are they made for farting?

Scientists have never seen an ant fart, even when they’ve studied the bugs up close in a lab. Other insects like termites and cockroaches are known to be gassy, but not ants.

Ants are attracted to the methane gas produced by termites, but they don’t seem to make much methane themselves.

Ant butts are also pretty small and not built for pushing out gas. The ant’s rectum and anus are made more for getting rid of solid poop than for farting.

So even though we can’t say for 100% sure that no ant has ever farted in the history of the world, it seems unlikely. Ant bodies just aren’t made to pump out the booty trumpets.

As one expert on The Ant Farm and Myrmecology Forum put it, “People imagine that the ants then would burst from the developing gases, not taking into account that ants, as most animals, have holes on both ends.”

What Would an Ant Fart Smell Like?

Okay, so ants probably don’t fart. But what if they did? What would an ant fart smell like?

Remember those stinky sulfur gases we talked about that can make farts smell bad? They include:

  • Hydrogen sulfide (rotten eggs)
  • Methanethiol (rotten cabbage)
  • Dimethyl sulfide (garlic)

Believe it or not, some ants can make smelly chemicals that are kind of similar! Leaf-cutter ants can make a strong garlic smell to scare away predators.

But this smell comes from glands near their mouths, not from their butts.

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Other ants can spray formic acid from their tummies as a way to defend themselves. Formic acid has a strong, vinegary smell that humans can notice. Ants are sometimes attracted to the smell of vinegar because it reminds them of this defensive chemical.

So even though ants don’t seem to make smelly farts, they can still make some stinky smells in other ways!

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s go over some other questions people have about ant farts:

Q: Do all types of ants fart?
A: As far as we know, no kind of ant has ever been caught farting. Not even once!

Q: Do ants burp?
A: Nope, no ant burps either. Ants don’t have the same kind of digestive system as animals that can burp.

Q: Would we be able to hear an ant fart?
A: Since ants probably don’t fart at all, there wouldn’t be any fart sounds to hear. Plus, ants don’t have butts that are made for making loud toots like humans do.

Q: Do ants fart more after eating certain foods?
A: The foods that ants usually eat don’t give them gas like some of the foods humans eat. So even if ants could fart, their diet probably wouldn’t make them extra gassy.


So, after learning all about ant guts and butts, it seems pretty clear that ants don’t fart. They don’t have the right bacteria in their digestive system to make fart gas, and their tiny ant butts aren’t really made for tooting.

Even though we can’t be totally, completely sure that an ant has never farted in the history of the world, science tells us that ant farts are super duper unlikely. So don’t worry, you can hang out with ants without fear of getting crop dusted!

Cartoon ant confirming that ants don't fart
You can hang out with ants without worrying about smelly surprises!
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Hi, I'm Amir! I'm the guy behind this website because I love animals. I've enjoyed learning about wildlife ever since I was young. I started Wildlifeology to share my knowledge about animals with other wildlife fans. My articles cover topics like animal fun facts, life cycles, habitats, and behaviors. I hope you discover something new and interesting about wildlife during your time here!

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